Not only a lot of fruits but also a lot of furniture will be packed with foam during transportation

29 september, 2020 - 2:58Inga kommentarer

Not only a lot of fruits but also a lot of furniture will be packed with foam during transportation.  

In winter, assuming that the ice pack is heated in a microwave oven and then placed in a passive car refrigerator, the fruit foam box can also play a role in heat preservation.

Then let’s take a look at the function of refrigerators in detail: Before using the fruit foam box, you only need to put the ice pack in the refrigerator into the household refrigerator to fully freeze it, and then put the ice pack in the passive car refrigerator to cool it.The foam box is a very widely used packaging tool. It is very convenient to use, and generally can continue to maintain low temperature for more than 72 Wholesale China polymethacrylimide Manufacturers hours.

Let’s take a look at the role of electronic foam packaging in the refrigerator: fruit foam Boxes are good packaging materials, such as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, electronic appearances, instruments, glassware, ceramics, arts and crafts and other products


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